What Could A Copywriter Do For Your Business

what could a copywriter do for your business

In business words matter.  They are a selling tool, educating and persuading audiences about your business.  Words also matter in SEO.   Your business has a digital foot print that Google uses to rank your value, and this value dictates whether your content or website is included in a Google search.  So whether you are creating content for print or digital, you need to communicate strategically and fluently, with crystal clear messaging and a written ‘tone of voice’ exactly right for your brand and audience.

Tone of Voice & Crystal Clear Messaging

  • A copywriter has experience of understanding a wide range of target audiences and creating a ‘voice’ with the right tone and language
  • A copywriter can achieve this on first draft, making the process fast, accurate and efficient
  • A copywriter has the advantage of insight into lots of businesses and audiences, and brings that experience to the process
  • A copywriter also brings the benefit of a fresh pair of eyes that add insight and simplicity to your  messaging.

Many find they are so close to their business, it is actually difficult to write about.   You know everything – so it’s a challenge editing out all this knowledge to the detail that matters to your prospect/audience.  This is where the copywriter has the advantage.  They bridge the gap between a business/brand and audience – having the experience and detachment to know what to include or exclude to achieve clarity of message.


Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) means quality content is all-important.  Whether video, visual or written word, Google demands original and relevant content that offers true value to the world wide web.  Keywords/keyphrases are a vital part of SEO but if you put too much keyword material in (keyword stuffing) Google will be penalise it.  If it’s rehashed content Google’s sophisticated algorithms will recognise that and penalise it.  So online copywriting is a very different skill to writing for print.  A copywriter will weave keywords through the copy in a natural way so it’s an enjoyable read that drives action, whilst maximising SEO through correct levels of keywords and H1H2 titles.

So let’s say it again – in business words matter!  And a copywriter makes words work harder, and leaves your business with a ‘knowledge transfer’ to improve your communications going forward.



CW Content Works is a team of former journalists and writers who produce great copy across all print and digital formats.  We do it for big brands and small businesses, so why not give a us call to explore how we could help your business.


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