Content Marketing: Why Headlines Are So Important
In an age of content overload, your headline is one of your biggest opportunities to grab audience attention. It’s likely to make the difference between someone clicking through to your content/website or not. It’s of equal importance to SEO too – Google will be ranking you by headlines. Follow a few basics and you’ll get the right results. Tips For Writing Headlines Be sure your headline is authentic. Don’t over promise or trick the reader with the headline. It won’t help in the long run – your customer will feel... Read The Rest →
What Could A Copywriter Do For Your Business
In business words matter. They are a selling tool, educating and persuading audiences about your business. Words also matter in SEO. Your business has a digital foot print that Google uses to rank your value, and this value dictates whether your content or website is included in a Google search. So whether you are creating content for print or digital, you need to communicate strategically and fluently, with crystal clear messaging and a written ‘tone of voice’ exactly right for your brand and audience. Tone of Voice & Crystal Clear Messaging A... Read The Rest →